Is Cross-Docking Right for Your El Paso Business?

A cross-docking worker preparing for a new shipment at the shipyard.The importance of the supply chain industry in modern business is due to many reasons. A successful business needs a fast, productive, and effective delivery of goods. If the supply chain is followed correctly, it increases the business efficiency and significantly reduces the time taken in transportation.

Click here to know more about cross-docking for your El Paso business

Before we dive deeper, let’s take a look at what cross-docking is.

What is Cross-docking?

Cross-docking is a supply chain model that immediately transfers goods from suitable suppliers to retailers or whole sellers directly with little or no storage.

This practice promotes faster replenishment and reduces shipping costs as it positions the inventory closer to the customer, which it has to supply.

It is done in docking terminals. The goods are unloaded from suppliers and loaded onto trucks that are headed to the customer or end-user.

Why is Cross-Docking Right for Your El Paso Business?

These are a few advantages of cross-docking that is highly beneficial for your El Paso business.

  • You can save a significant amount, as it means you don’t need more space for storage. In cross-docking, warehouse space is used to store for less time as it can be sent to the end customer quickly.
  • You can eliminate expenses like storing goods, handling and counting these goods, and insurance of inventory costs money. The best thing about it is the immediate transfer to the end customer with minimum holding time.
  • It edges the risk of your goods getting spoiled or damaged because of the immediate transportation facility, which leads to retaining the quality of products.
  • This has altered the idea of transportation. Now it is easy to manage large packaging as they break down large packages into smaller ones which are easy to handle and load in trucks. This exercise also edges the damage risk of the goods.
  • It provides a central site to handle products. The goods that will be transported at dock locations are sorted and loaded onto multiple carriers or transporters based on the shipment’s final destination.
  • When done correctly, it improves productivity quite well as you will be aware that your goods are in safe hands and will be transported quickly without any loss.
  • With the right cross-docking company, you can improve customer relationships because the proper packaging and on-time delivery are what a customer looks for. 
  • If you are dealing in the business of frozen items or products that need a specific temperature to be stored or transported at the right time, then it is better to go for a cross-docking company that fulfills all your requirements. 

Why Do You Need Cross-Docking?

To run a business successfully, cross-docking can work quite well and gives you a number of benefits. They can handle your transport problems and loading and unloading procedures, and now they are equipped with advanced technologies and machinery that effectively do things. 

Now, the companies that provide these services have forklifts, pallet trucks, conveyor belts, and more equipment that ensure faster loading and unloading processes. They can handle multiple deliveries in a single day without any difficulty and mismanagement. 

Cross-Docking in El Paso

We hope now you understand why it is essential to have a reliable cross-docking service for your business in El Paso. If you are looking for expert cross-docking services, then contact Cordova Brokerage and let us transport your goods with care. 

The Importance of the Trucking Industry

A white truck running on the street in the morning.

The trucking industry is a very important one, in fact, many would argue that it is the most important one in the United States. Everything you’ve ever owned has probably seen the inside of a semi-truck at some point. We’ve all seen them on the road and while we might sometimes get annoyed with them, we must remember that our society would crumble without them. These huge vehicles are responsible for your food, your medicine, your clothes, and just about everything else you have ever touched besides the soil on the ground outside. In fact, a giant truck might have transported that too, you can never tell these days. 




Next time you decide to honk at a truck driver for going just a little too slow, think about the person inside that truck. They are doing a job that is very difficult and very vital to our society. Truck drivers typically work very long hours, spending hours and sometimes days on the road. They are pulling massive loads and can’t even see behind them for the most part. Truck drivers also have to spend days and weeks away from their families, which can be really difficult for any person to do. Truck driving is definitely an important but rather thankless job. 


There are over 800,000 truck drivers working in the united states today and they account for $30 billion dollars each year. That is a lot of money being out into our economy that we can’t afford to lose. Without the trucking industry, we wouldn’t really be able to buy anything because there wouldn’t be anything to buy. The trucking industry supports consumers and business by transporting products all over the country to be purchased by everyone. Truck driving jobs are very hard, and not many people really want to do it, so we need to appreciate the people that do. 


Being in the trucking business can get lonely and there are many days where drivers are on the road for more than 14 hours a day. They spend several days all alone in their trucks. Driving a truck is most certainly a living, but it also probably will not make anyone rich. 

The Economy


Our economy is never an easy thing to talk about. It’s a lot of numbers that account for the lives of a lot of people, but right now we only need to discuss how the trucking industry affects the economy. Not to be dramatic, but we essentially would not have an economy. With a country as huge as the United States, we need trucks to travel all around it in order to make sure that everyone can get what they need. 


Trucks transport pretty much everything that we could ever need. Think about it. Most of our country is not surrounded by water, so we can’t use boats for everything, and flying everything to where they need to go is far too impractical and expensive. Truck driving is our only option. 


Our economy relies on consumers buying goods and services. Our economy does not work if consumers cannot find goods to buy. The trucking industry is pretty much responsible for everything that we buy. Even if your items didn’t get there in a semi-truck, it is likely that they were shipped as raw materials in a truck to a factory where they then got assembled into the item that you ended up buying. 


A Little History


Before our country had the trucking industry, we had trains and pack animals. In order to get all of our goods across the country, they would be shipped in trains and would be transported locally with wagons and pack animals. The transportation industry changed forever when the internal combustion engine was invented in the middle 19th century. A short time later, a man by the name of Alexander Winton invented the first-ever semi-truck in 1898 and sold the first manufactured one in 1899. By 1914, there were approximately 25,000 semi-trucks in the United States driving around and delivering goods across the country. As the country started building cultures around motor vehicles and started building suburbs and highways in the 1940s and 1950s, the trucking industry only had more reasons to get even bigger. 


If you are in the trucking and transporting business, Cordova Brokerage has your back. We can provide you with cross-docking and warehousing if you would ever need them. Get your goods and services to your customers in a way that is quick and efficient. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, comments, and concerns. 

Thinking of Using Cross Docking Services But Aren’t Sure if You Need Them? Let Us Help You Decide.

As a business who supplies products in different regions, it’s important to keep things moving. You know how critical it is to have your items be delivered on time. To help keep your supply chain in a healthy state, cross docking services can provide the peace of mind you need to feel better about your company’s ability to deliver.

The Basic Concept of Cross Docking Services

Cross docking allows companies to get their products from one place to the next using a large truck. The process generally involves one truck delivering the goods to a warehouse, where they are stored or delivered to their final destination. While there are different types of cross docking, the general concept is to get a large number of items to its final destination within a certain amount of time.

Benefits of Cross Docking

Leave the logistics of cross docking up to the service provider. As a company, you can benefit from cross docking in the following ways:

  • Items will arrive on time. Getting items delivered on time is key. Cross docking service providers know the correct amount of time needed to ensure correct delivery. You don’t want your items to get there too late or too early.
  • You’ll save time. If you’ve been scrambling to get things sorted out and have lost valuable time in the process, you can leave that in the past. When you hire a cross docking company, you’ll save a lot of time from not having to worry or plan out the delivery process.
  • If items are temperature-sensitive, they’ll be protected. With cross-docking, you have the option of requesting climate-controlled warehousing space so that items that need to be stored at a certain temperature will be protected.
    No more overloading trucks. When it comes to heavy cargo, leave it up to a professional cross docking company to make sure the truck is loaded according to the industry standards.

Contact Cordova Brokerage International to Learn More

Here at Cordova Brokerage International, we’re committed to providing the best cross docking services for our customers in El Paso. If you have additional questions or would like to get started, please connect with us today!